Can You Believe These Ingredients Are Energy Boosters And Quick Cure For Conditions? Didn’t Believe Until I Tried Them Myself. You Should, Too!

We cannot deny the fact that fruits and vegetables bolster energy. But did you know that there are also some oils, herbs, and seed extracts that help you feel less tired no matter how productive and busy your day is, because they are able to prevent and treat such health conditions?

Energy BoosterImage Source: authorstream

Foods can be one of the two things: provide energy and prevent diseases or make you feel easily tired and ill. Everybody will surely choose the best one, anything that gives positive effects.

What we’ll discuss here is about essential ingredients in liquids that help boost energy. These are not common stuff that you can just drink on a regular basis. They act more like food supplements and medicines or, if not, added as extras on certain dishes. Don’t be surprised about what they can do to your body. I warned you, but you’d be grateful to know this information, especially that they are easily found in local stores!

GrapefruitImage Source: fleurancenature

Grapefruit ExtractsImage Source: coopcoco

#1 – Grapefruit Seed Extracts

Grapefruit is one of the common citrus fruits because of their juiciness and rich content of nutrients. Its seeds are also beneficial in ways more than one. When extracted, it is able to prevent and treat certain health conditions. It has several properties good for infections: anti-fungal, antibiotic, and antifungal. With these agents, you can surely keep your energy at high.

Whenever I feel like my tummy hurts due to delayed consumption of meal or constipation, I just take a teaspoon or two of grapefruit seed extract. It’s also one of the effective medicines I give to my kids when they have cold, sore throats, or diarrhea. Believe me, it also works for ear infections, and yes, you should apply onto the affected area to treat it.

You can drink this liquid or gargle with it. Make sure to follow the direction of the product you buy. The most important of all is to seek advice from a doctor, who can give you prescription of how much to take and how many times in a day.

ElderberryImage Source: vegasfoodcoop

#2 – Elderberry Extract or Syrup

Another stuff that can give additional energy is elderberry. This is taken from the fruit elderberry, which looks like grapes and blackberries. This is more common in relieving colds, coughs, and flu. It’s also proven to use as treatment against bronchitis and viral infections. Doctors usually recommend these for patients suffering from those said conditions. Again, you have to get a go signal from a physician before buying any brand.

Tea Tree OilImage Source: urbanepop

#3 – Tea Tree Oil

For a great deal of benefits, tea tree oil is a best pick. It’s well known to kill different types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Therefore, it can help sustain your vitality. It has powerful compounds that treat viral infections and fungal infections, such as colds, flu, sinusitis, thrush, throat infections, and chest infections.

Because it’s more available than other essential oils, we use this often to treat mild illnesses. We also use it to remove lice and fleas in our dogs. My husband sometimes apply some on his head while showering to treat dandruff or dry scalp.

Do you know that it also helps treat acne, athlete’s foot, and body odor? See, how great and miraculous this liquid is!

Image Source: dreamstime

GoldensealImage Source: altmedicine

CatsClawImage Source: catsclaw

Catsclaw2Image Source: catsclaw

#4 – Echinacea, Goldenseal, and Cat’s Claw

These three have similar benefits as well. They are energy boosters as they help keep the immune system improved and fight off diseases and infections.

Echinacea is helpful in preventing and curing colds, sore throat, flu, sinusitis, and even bronchitis. Cat’s claw also provides aid in treating common colds and flu, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and laryngitis. On the other hand, goldenseal cannot only treat colds, coughs, and sore throats, but also solve some digestive problems.

Many products of these, which are also recommended by doctors, are available in tablets, supplements, and tinctures. You can get a bottle at a very low cost, but ensure it’s something your physician has prescribed or suggested.

Cranberry-JuiceImage Source: todayifoundout

#5 – Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is a fruit that is unique in its own, because it’s the best food that treats urinary tract infections (UTIs). It’s very effective, which makes your kidneys protected from having stones.

There are also products in tinctures and tablets made of cranberries that you may take. In fact, you can make your own juice just by mashing cranberries.

Grape SeedImage Source: simplyorganico

#6 – Grape seed Oil

You can also find relief with grape seed oil. This has many health properties, including the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, lowering of cholesterols and blood pressure, and reducing the risk of cancer.

This is also great to apply on skin to solve some issues and discomforts, such as acne, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Not to mention it’s natural, it’s a solution most women would love to use for sure. Sometimes, physical appearance or uncomfortable feeling can also affect your mood, which may lead to lose some energy.

The Higher EnergyImage Source: : happytoinspire

The main reason why you lose energy is not because of tiredness due to work, exercise, or any other physical activity. Even if you don’t do anything much, your vital strength can be decreased. And that’s when the immune system isn’t normally functioning. It also means that you are suffering from one or more illnesses. Hence, it must be bolstered everytime. Thankfully, you can prevent that and boost your energy with these natural ingredients.

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