Your Scalp is Itchy? Let These 10 Natural Remedies Solve It!

Itchy scalp is irritating and embarrassing. You do not want to keep scratching your head, especially when you’re in public areas! Fortunately, there are some natural ingredients that help solve this problem.

Itchy Scalpragingrootsstudio

And no, it’s not about going to the healthy store or local grocery shop to buy certain formulated products. Didn’t I make it clear that the stuff you apply to eliminate itchy scalp is natural? It means there’s purity and definitely organic. With that said, here are 10 great choices of natural solutions to get rid of itchy scalp.

Tea Tree Oiljoburgwest

1 – Tea Tree Oil

This is one of the most essential oils available in the world that you can every use for many ways. It has powerful properties that help cure certain issues, which include itchy scalp. There are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammation qualities present in it. Just mix several drops of this oil with water or baby shampoo, as it’s not that harsh, and apply onto your hair. Gently massage your hair and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing with warm water. Continue doing this for at least 2 weeks to ensure you get the best result.

Apple Cider Vinegardietandi

2 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has also the same properties as tea tree oil. It is even better to kill virus, bacteria, and yeasts. Not to mention, those microorganisms are the cause of itchiness in your scalp. It does not only remove the cause, but also normalizes the pH levels of your scalp to further prevent itchiness. The effects also include the reduction of dryness and increase in glow in your hair. You simply use this solution as shampoo.

Aloe Verahealthyfoodhouse

3 – Aloe Vera

This is a common hair problem solution. It can help re-grow hair or repair damaged cells and follicles. It is also beneficial in treating dryness and itchiness on scalp. The juice of this plant must be applied and rubbed over your hair and scalp. Leave the liquid on for an hour or more before you rinse with a mild shampoo or water, because it can be really sticky. Do this every day to totally be free from itchiness.

Coconut Oilsimpleremedies

4 – Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has capryilic acid, which is a helpful compound in fighting off fungi. Itchiness on scalp can be due to fungi. So, yes this natural solution is also a good pick to eliminate itchy scalp. After 2 weeks of everyday application, your hair also becomes shinier and healthier.

Lemon Juiceclicktop10

5 – Lemon Juice

This fruit is also known to contain antiseptic properties. It is even among the best natural remedies against certain diseases and infections. It means it’s powerful enough to combat fungi and bacteria that are the factors of itchy scalp. Furthermore, it can remove dandruff and keep your hair shiny.

Baking Sodabghdental

6 – Baking Soda

This is always available in the kitchen. You mix it with water and use as shampoo to your hair. Ensure to rub and spread the solution. This way it’s more effective in removing itchiness around your head.


7 – Bananas

Mashed or blended bananas can be also used to treat itchy scalp. It may not be your first pick among this list of natural remedies, but can still work. Just in case you don’t have any of the other choices, but you have bananas, then use some! Besides, you’re going to rinse your hair afterwards anyway.


8 – Avocado

Like bananas, this amazing fruit also has properties that nourish your scalp. You do not only absorb essential vitamins that keep hair and scalp healthy, but also get rid of itchiness and dryness.

Sesame seedsliveyoursport

9 – Sesame Seed Oil

Another effective natural remedy against itchiness is sesame seed oil. It does not only cure scalp issue, but also helps nourish it to improve its health. You must use this more often, even if no more itchiness to maintain good effect.

Witch Hazelzenmed

10 – Witch Hazel

You can also rely on this herb. It’s a natural solution with properties that alleviate itchiness on your scalp. But it’s more recommended to apply if the itchiness is due to hair transition, such as hair dying, hair perming, and hair straightening.

Woman with bare shoulders happily raises his thumb upmorroccomethod

Before you apply any of these remedies, make sure that you consult a dermatologist. It may cause side effects and allergies that can worsen this issue. Once you are cleared, then it’s safe to use one or more of these natural solutions, and you can say goodbye to itchy scalp.

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