Running for a cause has never been new, yet doesn’t get old. It’s still rampant these days. More people are interested to join, whether for personal interest, which is mainly to stay healthy, or for charity support.
Image source: hmcpresscenter
Image source: uptondaily
For many decades, marathon for charity has been effective and successful. There are running events to promote cancer awareness, support victims of natural catastrophes, prevent obesity, and stop human abuse. If there are activities in honor of people, there must be also a place for animals. Hence, running to save animals is not a bad idea at all. Either you can join or host an event like this for the purpose of protecting and saving animals, it’s definitely a very brilliant idea and a compassionate move.
If you choose to host a marathon event with the primary objective to support animals, understand that there’s a process and money involved. You can get sponsors to help you out, however. You need some manpower to do this and that. It can be money, time, and energy consuming, but it’s all worth it. And it’s for animals that don’t have the voice and means to completely protect theirselves.
Image source: thesfmarathon
Simone Hasenbein and her husband, for example, are supporters of animals, and they promote such a cause in a form of a marathon. They run with the San Francisco Marathon for “Animal Place, a sanctuary for farmed animals in Grass Valley, CA.”, for a good cause.
She said that “watching chickens, pigs, cows, goats recover after being rescued from cruelty cases or any other imaginable place makes you appreciate life. It makes you realize that we all can make such a big difference in somebody’s life, no matter what, and that we all are capable of so much more than we might think.” And you surely couldn’t agree more!
Image source: runrocknroll
You can find many organizations that host running events and encourage supports to join. One of the international groups is Team ASPCA. It is a “national endurance training and fundraising program dedicated to helping animal lovers walk, run or cycle toward helping the ASPCA provide life-saving programs and services to millions of animals nationwide.” You can directly join to run and have fun with other animal lovers and supporters, or donate by giving monetary help.
Image source: heartsspeak
Image source: caninescholars
Doing a charity for our four-legged friends, flying friends, and other animals is a rewarding experience. If you haven’t but have the heart to try, why not start by joining a marathon for the cause of supporting animals? All you have to do now is to look for into your community regarding this or to the nearest city that has an upcoming marathon event.
You can also invite your family or friends, and share the same passion. It would be a wonderful activity that you can join as you save not only one but countless animals that need our help.